Friday, 23 July 2010

Fallen Angels

This video was to be the first in a series of my poems to be adapted into video this year, but I haven't gotten around to doing any of the others.

The Fallen Angels poem was written back in 2002, and came about when I saw a slightly different version of the following print, (it looked the same except the cherubs had cigs and beers)

I wondered what they might be talking about, and so I wrote the conversation poem.

I have at least three other poems that perhaps would work well with video. They are all character/story based and would require voice-actors, so that is something I might be asking for help with sometime in the future.

Titles under consideration

Superhero - A fun comedy poem - One male over-the-top butch voice.

The Binding Book - A dark tale of temptation and condemnation. Quite a long poem in four parts so I think that one might be difficult to get anyone to VO as it requires a female narration for nearly the entire length. Also there is a shorter male role.

Dancing In Time - Another dark tale, but this one has a theme of lust and longing. This poem would need a male VO to narrate a rather old and weary character who's malevolent nature is quite apparent.

All of the above works are rhyme.
Perhaps at least one of them might get made this year...Watch this space, lol.

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